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Credit Basics
Credit Basics 101 – Types Of Credit

Credit Basics 101 – Types Of Credit

13 July 2022
Types Of Credit It is important to understand the different types of credit, how they report, and how they impact credit score. There are four major types of credit: installment credit, revolving credit, mortgage credit, and...
Credit Basics 101 – In-House Financing

Credit Basics 101 – In-House Financing

28 June 2022
In-house financing refers to when you purchase a vehicle and the dealer lends you the money for it. Essentially, the dealer becomes the lender. Although this may be handy in some instances as the dealer will...
Credit Basics 101 – Auto Lenders in Canada

Credit Basics 101 – Auto Lenders in Canada

5 April 2022
There are two main types of auto lenders in Canada, prime and sub-prime lenders. Although they fall under only two umbrellas, they all have different types of customer profiles that they prefer to approve. Prime lenders...
Credit Basics 101 – Rebuilding Credit

Credit Basics 101 – Rebuilding Credit

11 February 2022
When lenders adjudicate credit, they are looking to answer the question of if they will be repaid on the funds advanced. When they see that someone is struggling with their current obligations it causes concern. The...
Credit Basics 101 – Your Credit Score

Credit Basics 101 – Your Credit Score

9 January 2022
Credit is a difficult thing to understand. Most people have the basic concept that they either have good credit or bad credit. What most people don’t know is what makes their credit good or bad. To...